Wednesday, October 27, 2010

7 Whole Brands (2 Actually) on a Mission to my Heart

Good Afternoon Readers!

The average person would say that I had a bit of a rocky start this morning (30 mins late to class, couldn't find a parking spot, missing essential accessories to my interview outfit, rah rah rah) but oddly enough all of my little worries totally dissappeard when I bit into my "Oatmeal Dark Chocolate" Kashi cookie. Every time I bite into my Kashi cookies, it is as if time stops and the only thing I can think about is the utter bliss of the cookie. Sure it sounds like I'm exaggerating a tiny bit, and by definition of my personality, its just who I am to exaggerate the truth... but the bottom line here is that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Kashi. So here are just a couple brands that give me the same joyous feeling that Kashi gives me. They might not need SBG help at the moment, but that doesn't mean I won't be watching ;)

1. Publix: How is it that as an impoverished college student, I still go to the most expensive grocery store in my region knowing that I can't afford as many items?? Yes, this is simply stupid of me but I love Publix. It is so organized and clean! Not to sound corny, but they really do make shopping a pleasure. And sure, at my age I shouldn't be concerned about the pleasures of buying my fruit and veggies, but I guess I'm not the average consumer. The other day the bag boy packed all my groceries in my car. Its apparently a service they provide... and I LOVED it! :) So Kroger. Step your game up. Because I just converted to the Publix system.

2. Okay, I know my title says "7 Whole Brands" but really I just wanted to play on the Kashi tag line. While I love tons and tons of brands, Publix and Kashi are the ones I can't take my mind off right now. Of course there is always HBO that I can talk about but I've got a post coming soon that will fully express my love for HBO in the wit that you have come to love.

Thats all for now kids!
*I've got an interview today so wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ok Goody. Hear me out.

Hi Readers!

Tonight I came back from an information session for opportunities at Newell Rubbermaid and while their brand portfolio is HUGE, there is one brand that stuck out in my head. As you know by now, when I look at a product, or a specific brand, my brain is over-freaking-loading with ideas that I could contribute. So here's my SBG plan for.... (drumroll please)... GOODY!

1. Logo: I know you guys changed the logo from that horrendous Ford Blue
logo, but when I look at this new logo, it just doesn't feel all the way there. Something is missing and I can't pin that something down per se, but it is as if the colors are one or two hues off. When I look at this logo, I get a "Great Value" feeling and given that this is an actual branded product, one would want their consumer to think more that just a "Great Value" product. If I worked at Goody I would want to reposition the brand to a products that their girl (or guy?) can't live without. When that consumer goes to the store, the only product they want are Goody branded products. While that level of brand equity comes from more than hue changes in the logo, its a start. So please, test out some different hues on the magenta and blue in the logo. I promise you won't regret it :)

2. Tremor Project! : I know you've heard of this project since it was founded at P&G by your CMO Ted. Yeah, thats right. Me and Ted are on a first name basis. Ok, maybe in my dreams, but back to the topic :) While I don't want to go into all the details of the Tremor Project (google it), the main objective is "driving business with consumer advocacy" and while Goody does have one with their "Girls on the Run" advocacy project, it would be so great if they had another project that tied into what Americans are most concerned about.

- Idea 1. Unemployment rates are still low these days. What if Goody came out with a series to help women look professional for job interviews? You could have sessions on helping woman professionally style their hair with Goody products. The bottom line? A confident you is a successful you. The idea is more current and imperative with the status quo and reaches an older demographic than the young girls from their Girls on the Run Project (which is still think is fabulous!).

- Idea 2. Hmm... Actually Idea 1 is all I got. But Goody, if you're actually reading this, allow me to properly pitch you my first idea! There's much more to it than that one paragraph.

3. Globalize! : This is honestly purely selfish of me as I think all companies should take advantage of the Asian demographic. But of course, you gotta do what's right for your company.

Thats all for now folks. SBG Out!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I Heart this Game of Marketing :)

Hello Readers!

I've been MIA for a while (Midterms + Interviews + Bad Dates = Bad Bad Combo), but I'm back and I have so many things to share with you. Over the past few weeks I have been getting more and more marketing projects from people who acknowledge my passion for brands and want me to help them out... which is my dream!

So here are my big SBG (super brandinarian girl for all you new readers) projects of the moment:

  1. I was recently hired as their Brand Strategist!!! This is a new website officially launching soon that is all about fans supporting the artist through cool incentives. Because this is a new company, I was hired to oversee the brand and develop marketing strategies for the site and our clients. Check out the site to find out more information about the company. I am also the blogger and tweeter for the company so check back to see my posts!
  2. Hard Core Gym and Barberitos: The local Barberitos restaurant in Athens, GA and Hard Core Gym (google it) are teaming up to come out in a series of promotions, one of which will be a co-branded Hard Core Burrito!! Before all this happens next year, myself and a team of people will be working on creating a VIRAL video series with both of the company mascots in order to boost the "co"-branded awareness. Links once the series is done will definitely be provided!
  3. DealMobs: I am working with a group of students (and the DealMobs owner) to come up with a guerrilla marketing campaign targeted towards the college student demographic. The brainstorming on the campaign has just begun but once we nail down an idea i'll be sure to share!
  4. Tuki's Touch: Here is another start up beauty product company that I am working with. Because they are just established I was asked to help establish the brand. Their primary product is an all natural moisturizer. So far, I have worked with setting prices for the product, a graphic designer in NY for the official logo, and a distribution strategy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Congratulations MTV!!!

If you haven't seen the latest 3rd Quarter ratings for MTV well check out my link. But to sum it up, they're making bank, and lots of it. Thanks to killer ratings it seems that shows like Jersey Shore and Teen Mom wont be going anywhere for while. So that brings me to the topic of MTV and how their brand has changed since 1981 when their original purpose of the network was to air music videos.

Well times they are a changin' and chances are, if you stop reading this post and put your TV on MTV, you will probably catch a short orange chick... well, oompa loompa doing well... absolutely nothing. While there are obviously millions of people who watch this show, there are also millions on the flip side who miss MTV when they sole purpose was the music, and I happen NOT be one of those people. Check out the video to find out my perspective on MTV.
And for those of you who cannot bear my rambling speech about MTV.

Heres the rundown:

MTV is a beast. They know how to decrease the average costs of all of their shows collectively by playing less music videos (of which they pay liscensing fees for) and producing more reality shows, which are extremely cheap to make. Reality shows are also great for revenue because MTV can stream those shows online, generating viewers through different platforms. But the main reason why I think MTV is still genius and the reason I believe the M in MTV is still imperative is because MTV just changed the platform in which you listen to music and discover new artists.

People can say that MTV has forgotten its purpose, but in reality, MTV really and truly is all about the music. Since 1981, MTV has been defining a generation that elucidates the music of pop culture. Shows such as Real World, Teen Mom, World of Jenks, Jersey Shore show off the people of this generation crafted by MTV. MTV now fuses the world with music; essentially, we are a product of the music.

*While I am a bit sleep depraved typing this post, i hope you get my points on MTV. Super girls need sleep too, so goodnight world. Peace!

Pi Sigma Epsilon makes me Diverse? Huh?

Check out the video below on how I think PSE brings a whole new level of diversity and cultural learning into my life. In the video you will learn how exposing myself to a group that I am not particularly comfortable with will allow me (on a personal and external level) to be a much stronger brand.

PS: I haven't mastered the whole "video-making and not rambling" thing yet, but I gotta start somewhere!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Proud to be an American?

To visit China today as an American is to compare and to be compared. And from the very opening session of this year’s World Economic Forum here in Tianjin, our Chinese hosts did not hesitate to do some comparing. China’s CCTV aired a skit showing four children — one wearing the Chinese flag, another the American, another the Indian, and another the Brazilian — getting ready to run a race. Before they take off, the American child, “Anthony,” boasts that he will win “because I always win,” and he jumps out to a big lead. But soon Anthony doubles over with cramps. “Now is our chance to overtake him for the first time!” shouts the Chinese child. “What’s wrong with Anthony?” asks another. “He is overweight and flabby,” says another child. “He ate too many hamburgers.”

That is how they see us.

Excerpt from NYT article - Too Many Hamburgers - Thomas L. Friedman

Hello Readers!

Are you as grossed out and saddened by the pic above as I am? Well, you should also feel embarrassed because living in the United States, this is how other countries view us! Sure the US' "fat ass" perception is not a novel one, but one that needs to be observed in terms of branding the US.

So yesterday I read an opinion article in the New York Times called "Too Many Hamburgers?" by Thomas L. Friedman, where the author writers about his trip to China and his discovery about our (US) global perceptions. In general, analyzing what the companies want out of their brand in terms of consumer effect is important, but viewing consumer and non-consumer/outsider perception is also essential. So we get it, even in the midst of a freaking huge financial crisis, we still hold our "We're #1" foam finger up, proud of our country, and while our confidence in the US is admirable, people need to know that we won't be #1 for long. We cannot sit back like some fat ass kid watching TV and eating fast food in total gluttony! If our country were a kid, yes, we would be mr. chubster... and you know what I would say to any chubster who can't hold their own in a 100yrd dash? Work-out!

So America, are you listening? You really should listen to how you are perceived.

And for other companies? Perception is critical. I recommend doing a word association with your brand and making sure that the words on your lists are all words that you want that product/brand to emulate. And if there are words that hurt/harm your brand, get rid of it! Change and adapt. Only the fittest brands survive and with the clutter to consumer products in the US, if your product can't adapt, no one cares.

Just a little tough love.


Peace & Love my little Brandinites!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Reason I Do The Things I Do

Check out my Vid! I decided that before I write any more posts, people need to know who I am, and why I even take the time to write this blog.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Its Been Awhile, but I'm baaaack! :D

My 2010 New Years Resolution was to update my blog at least once a month, and like every other one of my resolutions, that stopped after a week. But with so many brands to talk about, my passion has reignited and I am ready to share my thoughts on the branded world around me!

So are you wondering what I did for the past 6 months! Well aside from the bad dates, fun concerts, and 3 different hairstyles, the most notable thing I did during my time away has been interning at Time Warner for the summer! A post about what I did at TWC will be added soon. Maybe I'll even compare my Time Warner internship to my internship at Rainbow Media, because both experience were so completely different. Watch out for that post soon!

Thats all for now lovelies,

I'm back, better than ever!

The dream for the moment? What if companies sent me, Super-Brandinarian-Girl, sample products to analyze and see how it aligns with their brand? Or better yet, what if those companies just wanted my to analyze their brand as a whole? I suppose I should stop deaming and do my homework soon.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Message to Ms. Klum

Google Project Runway Ratings and what do you get??? "Nose Dive", "Low", "Crash", "Tank" and the list goes on and on. If you're like me, a serious fashion junkie who consumes anything related to fashion then what the hell is going on with these ratings?

[And now for a moment of silence while I ponder upon this inquisition.]

The answer? Its that hormonal bitch LIFETIME! Sure, when Project Runway left Bravo for Lifetime, it all made sense; Lifetime leads in the female demographic and the majority of Project Runway's viewers are female. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, it all makes sense in theory, but in actuality Project Runway's worst move was switching to Lifetime and going to LA. Ok, how shall I explain this. As a fashion junkie (and proud of it), I LOVE BRAVO. The Bravo brand truly defines my character, love, and purpose in life. Okay, I may be exaggerating a little bit but being a member of Bravo's key target demographic, apart from being a 16 to 20something y/o Gay Male, truly makes me qualified to discuss the murder of Project Runway, and how a little brand renovation can truly save the day.

The Renovation:

Step One. Put Project Runway back on Bravo.
As much as I would love this option, the damage is already done. Even though I don't associate myself with the Lifetime Brand, I think a way to put my beloved show back on Bravo is by making Lifetime a little more like Bravo. What does that mean? Bravo has always been a gays and female network... The line up on the night that Project Runway airs should feature shows that appeal to gay males and females. The network should make me race home to watch the shows that night and align myself with the network (if only for one night), because right now, I am FAR from a Lifetime girl. Thats just step one.

Step Two. Keep Project Runway in New York!!!
My Reason. It's New York. Fashion is New York.

Step Three. Do something totally different to spice up the show.
I know Project Runway tried that with those little HP things, moving to LA and also by having a bunch of celebrity judges (which I actually liked), but keep it related to FASHION and the competition. I say, take a year break where Heidi, Tim, Nina, and Michael search the WORLD to find the best contestants. This year break would leave people craving Project Runway like a junkie and crack, trust me. And with the best designers from around the globe, the viewers and judges will get to experience a diversity in talent that we have yet to see on the show. [Sigh, if only this could happen in real life.]

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! My Quick fix for Project Runway :)

Ms. Klum, if you ever read this, I LOVE YOU!!


Super Brandinarian Girl,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Brandinista***

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Meet Michael, single UGA student in need of a serious fashion BRANDover.
The Crime: His style, or lack thereof, doesn't match his personality at all! It's like false advertisement for single ladies all over the world...well, campus.

I first met him wearing a dingy tie-dye T-Shirt, baggy cargo shorts, white Wal-Mart over the ankle socks and nahsty running shoes. I don't know anyone who was looking more Fug than him. I noticed that his looks were all over the place; he really needed to manage his personal identity through fashion. Thats where I came in... Super-BRANDINARIAN-Girl to the rescue!

So who is Michael??
->20 y/o UGA Sophomore
->Biology Major
->Major Health & Techie Freak
-> Member of Gamers Anonymous (at least he's in recovery)
->Comedy Enthusiast
->The "Quiet, Passive, Genius, Beautiful Soul" Kind

With these character traits I created a look that was modern yet classic, comfortable, sophisticated and smart. theMichael Look is inspired by the William Rast Fall 2009 Collection.

The 4 main pieces in this look are the watch, necklace, hat and belt. These are all pieces that will give great character to any outfit. The watch is a Blackout Rolex Submariner and at $7000 it is probably not the most practical watch to purchase, but there are many watches in the Blackout style that would go with many clothing options, whether sporty or casual. The Jeans are both from Buckle, and for a guy you can never go wrong with a pair of seksi ass-fitting Buckle Jeans (yum!). Because of Michael's personality, an argyle sweater is a safe bet. It is effortless, comfortable, and still gives him a lot of class. And at less than $20 at Old Navy he can't go wrong. The plaid shirt is a little more riskay, but with fashion comes risk and I think the plaid would give Michael's wardrobe a great character boost.
For Shirts, I picked out graphic Ts from Express. They are really great for layering and very easy to wear. I also pulled a basic gray T from Abercrombie and Fitch... every guy should stock up on a bunch of basic Ts, they're great by themselves or layered with other pieces. For Basic Ts I say go to a thrift store, they're cheap, vintage, and! A Ralph Lauren Polo shirt is a must have for any male, nuff' said. Pick one up at any discount store (i.e Marshall's) if you don't want to dish the dough for it.

For Sweaters, I pulled an Express argyle hoodie, because argyle is a safety for a guy like Michael, a graphic Urban Outfitters hoodie for fun, a form fitting green sweater from Express that can be a great color booster to any outfit, and two sweaters, from A&F and Polo that have large collars and a somewhat neutral color.
The Shoes: Aesthic= A shoe that is comfortable, non-athletic, and stylish. The Perry Ellis Shoe perfectly embodies that vision; it's a sneaker-like shoe incomparable to any Nike sneak. It has class while still remaining fun and down to earth.

Accessories: The Urban Outfitters necklace is an abstract piece that could very well be the statement piece of any Michael Outfit. Watch = Urban Outfitters piece inspired by the Blackout Rolex Submariner, and at 20 bucks, you can't beat it! The Hat- umm, I think men look hawt in beanies : ) Oh and the shades are Ray Bans... I heart Ray Bans. Michael's old dollar store shades just weren't cutting it.
Because it is January, Michael needs a jacket to keep him warm! The only jacket that might not fit with Michael's gentle & "beautiful soul" personality is the leather jacket, but hey, I thought it was sexy and if anything, he should at least try one on!


This is THE Michael, and he's just been Branded. I think my work here is done.